Deploy form - Project Implicit

Checklist for Posting A Study to the Project Implicit Research Pool

This is the final step for moving a study from test to production. Moving to production is a big deal. You must complete each of the following boxes before submitting the study. Someone from Project Implicit will follow-up with questions if needed, or with confirmation that the study is moved to production. IMPORTANT: The researcher is responsible for debugging and accuracy of the study materials. The checklists are methods for helping researcher identify likely problems.

Researcher name *

Researcher email address *

Study folder location *

show files

Name of experiment file *

Target number of completed study sessions *

Participant restrictions *

Consider whether it makes sense for any person from any country of any age to complete your study. List selection restrictions on your sample (e.g., "exclude age >60", "American citizens/residents only"). Also include other study IDs from the pool that should disqualify participants from being assigned to your study. Type "None" if you want any person from any country of any age to complete your study. See for more information on this item. Type 'n/a' for private studies (not in the Project Implicit research pool). To create restrictions, open the rules generator. Open the rule generator

Clear restrictions

Participant restrictions comments

Does your study ID start with your username?


This study has been approved by the appropriate IRB *


All items on "Study Testing" and "Study Approval" from Project Implicit Study Development Checklist completed (items 9 - 17) *

The checklist is available at


My study folder on dev2 includes ZERO files that aren't necessary for the study (e.g., word documents, older versions of files, items that were dropped from the final version) *


Study approved by a *User Experience* Reviewer (Colin Smith or Calvin Lai) *

Email to have your study approved by one of the above reviewers.

 No, this study is not for the Project Implicit pool.

If you are building this study for another researcher (e.g. a contract study), has the researcher received the standard final launch confirmation email and confirmed that the study is ready to be launched? *

The standard email can be found here:

 No, this study is mine

Study submitted to the Virtual Lab ( *

Researchers should retrieve "real" data from the Virtual Lab at first opportunity after it moves to production as a sanity check on study and data accuracy


Did you use a realstart and lastpage task?


Use the space below for any additional comments